Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hey Guys,

So late on Wednesday night my computer got destroyed by a virus. The virus disabled my network adapters so I could not get internet access. In an act of desperation I tried to remedy the problem myself. When that didn't work I turned to the Bentley Help Desk, which is the worst thing I could have done. Now, my computer will not boot. So, it looks like for the time being I will not be updating the blog until I can get my laptop fixed. (Seriously considering becoming a Luddite.)

Over the past week I have spent a lot of time in class. Not too exciting . Today I went hiking in the Wienerwald (Vienna Woods) and ate at a delicious Heuriger (Austrian Tavern open in the Autumn). Also, thanks to having no phone, no TV, no Ipod, and no internet I have gotten a lot of reading done. Maybe I will finish Atlas Shrugged sometime this decade.

Tomorrow is Austrian National Day, where they celebrate their neutrality after post WW2 occupation. Celebrating neutraility is sure to have a very different flavor than the American 4th of July.


(Miss you n00b14nn3)

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